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Jock Itch

Jock itch is the popular name given to an itchy rash in the groin that commonly involves the inner thighs and adjacent skin, including the scrotum in males. The medical name for rash in the creases of overlapping skin is "intertrigo."
Jock itch is associated with sweating, friction/abrasion, occlusive clothing, and the direct rubbing of skin on skin. The rash may affect not only the groin, but it can involve any areas of skin that overlap, including around the anus and in the skin folds of obese individuals. Jock itch affects men and occasionally women worldwide.
It is caused by a fungus, not a worm.
Many bacteria and fungi live on your body. Some of these are useful to you and your body. Others can multiply rapidly and form infections. Ringworm occurs when a particular type of fungus grows and multiplies anywhere on your skin, scalp, or nails.
Ringworm is contagious. It can be passed from one person to the next by direct skin-to-skin contact or by contact with contaminated items such as combs, unwashed clothing, and shower or pool surfaces. You can also catch ringworm from pets that carry the fungus. Cats are common carriers.
The fungi that cause ringworm thrive in warm, moist areas. Ringworm is more likely when you have frequent wetness (such as from sweating) and minor injuries to your skin, scalp, or nails.

- Itchy, red, raised, scaly patches that may blister and ooze. The patches often have sharply-defined edges. They are often redder around the outside with normal skin tone in the center. This may create the appearance of a ring. Your skin may also appear unusually dark or light.
- When your scalp or beard is infected, you will have bald patches.
- If nails are infected, they become discolored, thick, and even crumble. Tests
Fortunately, ringworm is fairly easy to diagnose and treat. Doctors usually can diagnose ringworm based on how it looks, but sometimes will scrape off a small sample of the flaky infected skin to test for fungus.
You may be prescribe with ointment, lotion, cream, gel, powder and even spray, which will only minimizing the symptoms, especially the itching and redness but does not cure it completely. And sometimes it may cure for short period and re-appears again. And later on the fungus will be resistance to those drugs. There are many side effects of those drugs.
The fastest and best ringworm treatment is the homeopathic treatment.
- No Side Effects
- 100% Natural
- Pellets Dissolve Instantly
- Boost your immune system
- Drugs selected by experienced professional
- Nothing Works faster than this
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